We often think about diet and exercise as the foundation to achieve optimal health, but are we really living simply? Minimizing our lifestyle in different ways is a big factor as well when it comes to achieving optimal health. Here are five ways to creating a simple lifestyle (living the minimalistic lifestyle) can help you achieve optimal health:

  1. Downsize your home.

Yes, you heard right. I don’t know how many times I have heard that “my house is too big and all I do is clean” or just don’t have any money left over to do anything fun because most of their income goes into the home. I recall discussing with a physician I worked with awhile back who gave me this advice that stuck with me ever since that day we had that talk- do you want a bigger home but less time to spend with your family because all you have to do is maintain it or do you want a smaller home and have more time with your family? And most people usually use one or two rooms the most including the basement so do you really need a lot of space? All it does is encourage to fill it up with more stuff that you may not need.

  1. Have a capsule wardrobe.

This is not a new term by all means, but if you are not familiar with this term, a capsule wardrobe is basically several pieces that you mix and match on rotation. Having less stuff means less time you will need to do laundry, more space and less stress trying to always figure out what to wear. This is a great way to not collect more things than you really need. There are several blogs you can get tips and advice on as to how to start your own wardrobe capsule so you can stress less in this area.

If the idea of downsizing creates a teeny bit of anxiety, check out Dr. Teralyn’s FREE cheat sheet “Top 3 Ways to Kick Anxiety Today!”  It’s yours FREE, just click the picture below!

  1. Let’s Fika.

“Fika” is a term that the Swedish uses which basically means “having coffee with friends and family in a relaxed kind of way”. I try to Fika at least once a week at a local coffee shop, but you can even create this at home. The most important thing to remember is take time out of your hectic busy day to just sit down with loved ones and enjoy some quite relaxed time with them.

  1. Helper’s High

The Helper’s High is a term that Dr. Sears uses to suggest that volunteering or donating can actually bring out the feel good hormones that can lower your stress. Volunteering or donating can come in a variety of ways and many communities have initiatives that you can choose from.

  1. Say no to events

This may be a difficult one especially during the holidays, but if hopping to one event to another is stressing you out, cut back and just learn to say no. If they are really your friends and true family, they will undertand. I love the new term that is out there now called “JOMO”, which means “Joy of missing out”. Be selective and if you have more than one event going on around the same time, choose the one that you would like to attend to the most.

By Deanna Kozarov

Deanna is a guest blogger of Dr. Teralyn’s.  She is the owner of Deanna Kozarov Health & Wellness. She provides education,support,and inspiration to women who want to live a healthy and long life!