Every single day feels like more than a chore. You might ask yourself if it’s normal to feel sluggish by 2pm. Or perhaps you wonder if feeling ‘meh’ is just the way it’s gonna be.

Dealing with burnout and chronic fatigue is no joke. It saps you of energy, happiness and the ability to show up to your career and your family.

For years I have struggled with adrenal fatigue. I have figured out what causes it for me and how I can stay on top of it so the impact is lessened. However, sometimes it sneaks up on me like a thief in the night stealing my motivation, my time and my spark.

I see the same things with many of my clients who mistake chronic fatigue and burnout for depression. That’s because they feel very much the same way. However, unwinding from fatigue has a very different solution.

I was able to be the expert contributor to this article about burnout published by Romper.

CLICK HERE to read the entire article.